Jibe Ho: Sailing Definition

Jibe ho definition
The phrase “jibe ho!” is a sailing command used by the helmsman to communicate to the crew when he or she is about to begin jibing (otherwise known as turning the sailboat with the stern through the wind). The command “jibe ho” lets the crew know when to begin releasing or pulling in either side of the main sheet or jib sheet in order for the sailboat to turn and maintain speed safely.
Because jibing is inherently more dangerous than tacking, it is important for the helmsman to communicate to the crew his or her intention to jibe clearly and effectively.
Usage of the term
A typical use of the term
- Helmsman to crew: “Prepare to jibe”
- Crew: “Ready”
- Helmsman: “Jibe ho!”, or alternatively, the helmsman will simply say: “jibing!”
Just like with any other sailing command, it is important that the crew members operating the sailboat know the meaning of the terms and phrases used by the captain, as well as how to perform the tasks expected of them when the command is called.
“Jibe ho” and “jibing” are some of the most common sailing commands used by the helmsman, so it is unlikely that experienced sailors will have any confusion when these commands are given. For new or first-time sailors however, communicating the meaning of “jibe ho” and “jibing” well before the need to jibe is underway will result in a safer experience for everyone.
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